February 9th we woke up a bit too late and raced down to the airport. We made it to our gate right as they started boarding. With two little ones, it was a bit of a relief not to have to spend extra time in the airport, but that might have been cutting it too close; it took awhile for my heart to slow back down and my blood pressure to drop back to normal.
Utah is one of my favorite places to visit because (1) we have lots of family to see, (2) there are also lots of friends to see (even though I hardly see any because we are busy with family), (3) Utah has all of my favorite stores clumped together, (4) It's beautiful, and (5) there are so many great restaurants to eat at.
Lately it seems Utah has been growing at a rapid pace. We are there about three times a year and it gets more and more congested. There are so many people moving there! I can't say I blame them. I do get excited to come back to our slow-paced country life but am sad to say so many goodbyes.
This trip was PACKED! We hung out with my sisters and Lincoln and Koby on Saturday. Saturday night we spent time with Sean's parents and brother's family-- always a good time. Sunday we tried to catch up on sleep from our EARLY flight, and then met up with friends from dental school, which was so much fun! Monday Sean took Charlie up to watch Josh's band performance, and I shopped until I dropped (my feet killed!). For family night that night we went to Megan and James' house and had gyoza and Japanese curry with Emily and Shane. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday are a bit of a blur, but I can remember some of the stuff we did. Charlie and grandpa played trains trains and more trains, Sean spent time helping with computer stuff, we visited my grandma, spent time with the Mitchells, had a yummy valentine dinner that Bruce and Joanie hosted, spent lots of time just hanging out with Megan and the boys, went snowshoeing, and sent Sean snowshoeing with Jason and Josh. We came home exhausted, but happy.
This picture looks like I am squeezing her. She was an angel on the plane. |
Meeting Aunt Emily, who I think Audri looks a lot like. |
Meeting Aunt Megan and cousin Koby |
I remember this perfect Sunday nap so well. Heaven. Pure Heaven |
Nature is so relaxing for these two. |
Audri slept comfortably while I huffed and puffed up the mountain in those snowshoes. |
Post snowshoeing hot chocolate run. |
Loved visiting with our friends from dental school. Amber made us dinner, and Natalie drove to Draper from Evanston. Such great friends. |
Meeting Great Grandma DeFreese |
Charlie decided Grandma Joanie needed help organizing her pantry |
Three months apart and finally playing nicely with one another. I love that Lincoln and Charlie are so close in age. |
Meeting cousin Simon |
Cousin Josh looking like a natural |
meeting cousin Emily |
Even though this is a blurry picture, I love seeing Koby and Lincoln crowd around Audri. |
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