I love instagram. You can take a picture, post it, and it saves to your little album. No fuss, no sloooooow computers, and you can do it one-handed in a parking lot with children napping in the back of your car. It's perfect for those who have very little time.
As I sort through our albums upon albums of pictures, I feel like I am falling further and further behind. I want to have our family journal caught up, and then keep it up to date. It's the easiest and most organized way for me to preserve what our lives are all about and what we love so dearly. These are pictures that start from the month before Audri was born (November 2012). Can't believe how little these babies of mine were. I love them. Each of these pictures were taken for some reason and I intend to journal about each of those reasons.
bowling at the Sunnyside bowling alley. Love that sweet face. |
Mario lost half of his mustache, and Luigi is in overalls that are ten sizes too big, but they looked cute. We were at our ward's trunk or treat. Sean was helping out at one of the stations-- pumpkin bowling. |
Charlie loved these jammies and boots. He loved all things tractor related. He'd say "tracos mommy, please!!!" I found these little John Deere boots at the goodwill in town. What a find! |
Practicing for baby Audri to arrive. |
Ready to go on our first outing. To the Weaver's house for a Christmas party. She was six days old. |
A hands-on learner like his mama. After having a baby, I didn't really mind if he was painting himself, as long as I got to sit for a minute or two. |
Such a pretty sleeper. This is one of my all time favorite pictures of Audri. She looks so sweet and feminine. We had just gotten back from visiting Sean's office and having her meet the staff. |
Another favorite of mine. Sweet sweet profile. I love her cheeks, turned up nose, curly hair and coloring. |
Round two of body art. Again, I was just happy he was entertained. |
Charlie knew what to do at dad's office. He'd jump into the chair, put on the sunglasses, and start to watch television. I assisted him with his dental bib. |
Our push-up assistant. We'd head over the church to use the gym, as our own personal gym, a couple of days a week during the winter. We would bring Charlie's bikes and Audri would sleep in her seat. It was a win-win. |
Our Sunday walks around Gary Martin's vineyard were wonderful. We were so happy when winter was through and we could get outside. These llamas lived next-door to us. |
I loved looking down and seeing her as I was cleaning the house. |
Loved the baby bjorn! If I could have my babies hooked to me all day I would be happy. Well, maybe if they were sleeping. |
Sweet moment. Sweet father. |
Helping clean the church. |
Love that she'd hold my finger. Just reminding me that she was there. |
Sean had us stop this habit. I thought it was cute while it lasted. |
I sent Sean to the grocery store with Charlie. They came back with this balloon. Charlie saw it at the checkout and Sean couldn't resist. He called it his 'piggie' balloon. |
These two.... Reading Book of Mormon Stories together. We would make up stories about all of the pictures to help bring it down to his level. |
I love cheeks! |
Monkey see monkey do! |
A favorite pastime. We would walk around the vineyard and find various irrigation ditches to throw rocks into. |
I can't believe he was once this small. Miss that little toddler. |
Audri was a hit in my primary class. They all wanted to hold her. I did pass her around and she did fine with it. Here she is with Kaylee Condie. |
This nap started with a fussy baby. Poor thing had a gassy stomach. Apparently this position was the cure. |
Loved dressing her up. |
Proof there is a mom. |
One of my favorite times of the year in Sunnyside. I loved seeing the freshly plowed asparagus fields. |
Our traditional Easter Egg Hunt at the Kaptein's home. |
Many of our friends from the Sunnyside ward. I love Charlie, Joey, and Cannon in this pic. |
Our favorite accessory. However, it has become more of a necessity than an accessory. Not sure what we would've done without this double jogger. |
Sweet moment. |
1 comment:
A perfect one ,I am using most of them .. Thankyou so much
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