About three weeks ago we made the trek (again) down to Portland. It's a good thing I am loving the place, otherwise I'd go crazy with all the driving we are doing. I guess the driving gives us plenty of time to talk, plan, dream, and sleep. Charlie does really well in the car. We read books, watch Elmo or 'Memo' (Nemo), sing songs, point at various things outside, and count to twelve/sing our ABCs. Charlie puts on a show for us in the car, as he says/sings everything he knows, and then is too bashful to talk when we get around others. I need to catch our car trips on video.
(sidenote* Today Charlie was listing off his 'frens' or friends' names while I was driving. He kept saying 'Joe-Joe' (Joseph), 'Cucker' (Tucker), and his new favorite person 'Unc J-J' (Uncle Jason). I wish I got it on video!)
Anyways, we went down to Portland this time to visit with Sean's brothers, sister-in-law, and nieces. It was a packed trip, as always, but lots of fun, as always. We love family; his, mine, and ours-- doesn't matter who!
How we shop. Charlie has refused sitting in his seat. Sometimes we force him, but mostly we let him push the cart around with us. |
Meeting up with everyone. |
Still trying to warm up to one another. It took a churro, given to them by Uncle Jason, to warm up. |
Checking out Uncle Phillip's dental school. Sean was in H-E-A-V-E-N with all of the new tools. |
I am on a role! I keep getting pictures with my sweet boy- decent ones too! Here we are getting ready to board the tram down into downtown. Charlie loved it! |
The brothers and their firstborn children pose on our way around Portland via the street car. Proof as to why Charlie's favorite is Unc J-J. Uncle Jason is feeding him his favorite of the food groups-- goldfish crackers (shishees, as Charlie calls them). |
Perfect. No waiting in lines for a sip! |
Helping these two slide over and over again. They got the hang of it. Their shrieks and giggles were priceless. So far this is our favorite Portland park-- we are still discovering though. |
No more assistance needed! |
Tada! |
They warmed up to one another! These two keep all of us laughing. It's' a taste of what it would be like to have twins-- only a taste.
Portland is beginning to feel like home, even though we are happy to come home to our plowed cornfield.
1 comment:
Funny story i was just getting on your blog for the first time in a long time and I was like I wonder if she is prego! Yeah congrats!
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