Charlie's favorite time of the year has to be now. He loves seeing the tractors, airplanes, trucks, and trains (choo-choos) all around town busily helping with the crop harvest. He had a front row ticket to watch as a tractor and large truck harvested the corn surrounding our house. He sat there eating his lunch, smiling, and saying 'traco traco traco'. I was not enjoying the show as much. I was suddenly feeling exposed as our corn barrier quickly dropped to the ground. I thought we had at least two more weeks of grainy security. |
Swinging with Kennedy and Sofi at the berry farm. We came with several little ones, and their mothers, to pick pumpkins, play on the playground, go to the petting zoo, eat pumpkin donuts and cider, take a hayride, and have a picnic lunch. It was a perfect activity that guaranteed a three and a half hour nap afterward. Poor kiddo was exhausted! |
One of Charlie's favorite friends, Ethan. He loves the big boys, and Ethan gives him a good amount of attention. |
I didn't want to disturb him when he was in his 'happy place'. He could play with the tractors all day! We have become country folk. I don't think you could get any of us back into city living. |
On the hayride. |
Farmer Bill pulling quite the load behind his tractor. A portion of the moms and children that came along. There were a few more moms and kids behind the photographer. Kudos to me for blocking Annette. Why I felt the need to lean that far forward is beyond me. All these wonderful people are in our ward and they've made it feel like home. |
Charlie's pumpkin. |
Our mode of transportation-- I can't wait to ride on it again at Christmas when we go and pick out a tree! |
A hat for Charlie. He wore this envelope around the house for awhile and was so sad when it tore in half. We were dying watching him run around the house in this. |
Another great thing about fall has been the co-op that we are involved in. Every Tuesday morning Charlie and I go and pick up his friend Joe and drive into the big city. We get to co-op, which is a class for toddlers his age and their mothers; have circle time; play in a large and fully equipped toy room while mom's attend a parenting class; read stories; eat snacks; play with play-doh; paint with our hands, paintbrushes, cars, and whatever else we find; do crafts; play with water tables and sensory bins; and then head out to the playground to finish up. Charlie and Joe love it, and I love that I am able to handle two kids! I got several stares, as I first started attending, at my belly and then the two boys. I think people thought I was nuts! We are exhausted by the end of the day, but I have been 100% successful at keeping both boys awake on our long 45 minute drive home. Naps feel the best on Tuesdays!
We love fall!
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