HE'S BEEN to church twice, Phipps Conservatory, grocery shopping, Costco, shopping for interview clothes for dad, to our favorite park (a few times), to two different baptisms, a sushi party, Banff film festival, a fireworks show, the zoo, grandpa and grandma's house, great grandpa and grandma's house, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, several airports and hotels (he did SO well on the four flights), and to several friends' houses for dinners, lunches, and to watch March Madness games.
HE'S ADJUSTED to Sean's alarm clock going off, other people holding him, sleeping, tummy time, his car seat, nursing under a 'hooter hider', having his diaper changed and not shooting mom and dad (he has great aim), dad soothing him, bath time, and the thousands of kisses he gets each day.
HE SLEEPS wonderfully!!! When he was five days old I woke up panicked cause he'd slept for five and a half hours straight. When he passed his birth weight I let him sleep as long as he could without waking him to eat. He has one long sleeping stretch that is 6-8.5 hours long (I do realize I am lucky) and then he gets up for 45 minutes and goes back down for 4 more hours.
HE'S FUSSY in the evenings, from 6-8.
HE LIKES to eat, lay down and stretch his legs on his giraffe mat, tummy time, to be held, when the windshield wipers are on in the back window, to look around, the Moby wrap, his swaddler, his hands, to be rocked, to be sung/hummed to, and to be read to (he stops crying when I read to him).
HE DISLIKES his swing, binky (most of the time), when he's alone in a room, shots (who likes them though, really?) his bed in the daytime, baths (but is getting better), and not being able to look around.
HE'S BEEN CALLED Charlie man, little Charlie, Charlie boy, little bug, bug, Char Char, Chuck, Chuckles, and Charlie Warlie.
HE'S GROWING like a champ. He weighs 9 lbs 12 oz (33%), is 21.5 inches long (33%), and his head is 39 cm (87%). He just outgrew his newborn clothes and diapers last week-- time to lend them to his soon-to-be cousin, Lincoln.
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Grandma Joanie-- shoot! I thought I had a picture of both of their faces... |
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Grandma Laura |
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Grandpa Randy |
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Uncle Micah (who I didn't get a picture of) and Aunt Eve, |
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cousin Ethan (4 1/2) |
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Aunt Shannon, Uncle Matt, Ryder, and Eli (I didn't get pictures of) |
Also during his first month we celebrated my birthday. I felt coming home from the hospital was the big celebration, so when my birthday rolled around, it didn't really phase me. I was taken care of with flowers from Sean, generous gifts from my parents and in-laws, thoughtful cards, gifts, emails, texts, and calls from friends and family, and a YUMMY oreo cookie cheesecake made by my mom.
Here is the handsome, smothered (in hugs and kisses), growing, well-traveled one month old.
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I was beyond excited that he could wear the onesie I made. As my brother would say-- I'm a dork. |
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Able to focus and smile at the people speaking ridiculous baby talk |
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kicking and punching like crazy |
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99% of those that see him say he looks just like his dad |
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taking a head-lifting break during tummy time |
He's so cute Rach! Charlie too! :) Happy belated birthday and wishing you guys the best!
He is seriously one of the cutest kids I have ever seen. We are excited to see you guys soon!
Come meet Aunt Megan, Charlie!
Along with the cute kid seems to be a mom (and probably dad) that's got a great attitude with the many challenges going on, and that's an accomplishment in and of itself.
adorable! And I can't believe how much he sleeps. you are SO lucky!
Great Blog! I miss the little feller already. It's going to be fun when all thase grandkids get together. Well traveled Lad I do say.
Adorable! What a busy month! That baby is loved. :) and you are such an adorable mom! Love the pictures of him with his mommy and daddy.
He really is handsome! Love "getting to know him" in this post!
Awwwe so cute! And happy birthday too by the way. Love all the photos...it's fun to see your parents with your little guy too.
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