(For journaling purposes)
When I got married, I thought I couldn't love Sean anymore than I did that day. I thought that eventually life would get mundane and we'd have to think of ways to keep the relationship exciting.
I remember that several people told me that the love we had for one another would just deepen and change from infatuation to dependency. There have been a good amount of moments that I don't want to write about, but then there are the ones that I want to relive over and over again. Those are the moments that I can actually feel myself falling even deeper. Tonight one of those moments happened. It was simple. It was quick. It was touching. It will always be remembered.
First, a little background..... Sean and I decided that we wanted to try to have FHE each week, even though it was just going to be the two of us in attendance for awhile. We played around with different ideas, and finally settled on one. After the last general conference, we decided that each Monday we would sit down and listen to one of the general conference talks. It has been nice, and sometimes it has been rough- because our lives are so busy, but it has been beneficial.
Tonight we listened to Elder Uchtdorf's talk given to the priesthood brethren. In it he talks about having patience (he probably was speaking to me in regards to my job, teaching sunbeams, and other aspects of my life). He started talking about several different situations that required patience.
"The children of Israel waited 40 years in the wilderness before they could enter the promised land. Jacob waited 7 long years for Rachel......"
He went on, but I couldn't tell you what he said after that because Sean then said this:
"I waited 7 years for my Rachel."
We then talked about how he met me 7 years after his mission.
And that is how easily I fall.
That is sooo sweet! I got goose bumps as I read that. I am glad you are writing down these moments, they are precious and priceless, they are what make marriage wonderful.
Dang Sean! That WAS a good one . . .
Awwwww:)It's weird that Summer is here and you are there. I miss you. Last Summer was the best...
Ahh! I got goose bumps too! You have an amazing husband Rach! So worth the wait huh?:) Love ya!
An amazing guy for an amazing girl! Thank heavens you got one that worships you and treats you as you deserve! I'm so glad I got to know him a bit too--a few weeks ago. He's definitely a keeper! COME BACK SOON!!!!!!!
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Those little moments are what makes marriage so wonderful.
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