I am going to start re-capping from last Friday. Last Friday we got to check one more thing off of our list-- we went camping to Ohiopyle. It was a fun trip with great friends. We got in after work and started setting up camp. Sean's eyes light up when we participate in these sort of activities-- he would live in the forest without a tent, if I would agree to it. Sadly, I appreciate my bed, fridge, shower, stove, washer, running water, etc..... I do love a good camping trip though, so we compromise and go as often as school permits. After the tent was set up, it was time to build a fire. In step the men. We may of had to use some of Sean's eyebrows and eyelashes to get the fire going, but it sure got going.

The four of us couples that went, split up the four meals we would be having. The spatula that was going to be used for breakfast had been forgotten, but don't worry-- Sean and his duct tape came in handy. He constructed a spatula out of forks and layers of duct tape. The eggs were scrambled properly and the pancakes flipped beautifully.

We spent Saturday at Cucumber falls and hiking around. We ended up leaving that night, but not before a wonderful foil dinner. I learned something new about foil dinners this trip. I learned that you can fill your foil with all the good stuff and add BBQ sauce or cream of mushroom/chicken to help season-- yummy!

Sunday Sean taught Sharing Time in primary. I think it was fun watching him react to the large and very active junior primary that we have in our ward. He enjoyed it. On Sunday we also took a long walk back into church and then home. It was beautiful outside, so we took advantage of it.

crossing the bridge from Schenley Park into Oakland.

Oakland area-- where Sean's school is as well as church.

Sean was so tempted to drop all of his Sunday "rules" to go and play in this ultimate frisbee game in the park.

Our beautiful building, built in 99. Apparently the neighborhood wasn't too happy about it's construction.
Monday was Memorial Day. We had a ward picnic in Forest Hills. We were ready to get out and participate in some games, when we realized that our keys were safely locked in our trunk. Luckily our insurance covers these "oops" situations and sent someone down to let us in. We got them out 40 minutes after they were locked in. After that escapade Sean was rewarded by staying away from his ultimate temptation on Sunday, and our ward played a large, very sweaty game.
Tuesday Sean started his externship with Allegheny General Hospital. He was doing an externship with the oral surgery residents. After several bloody, teeth-pulling days, he ruled out the option of becoming an oral surgeon. I think the thought of being in school for seven years may have also been a factor....
Wednesday we had a HUGE rainstorm. The freeways had lots of standing water, and we may have hydroplaned a bit. From now on we will stick to the side streets.
Thursday I had a very interesting experience with a guest that came in to get her haircut. She told me she wanted to look like a "bombshell". We started going through several magazines trying to find the best haircut for her new "bombshell" look. After asking a series of questions we found what she wanted. She wanted a trim-- I'm talking, half an inch off! I was suddenly suspicious of this lady. I think she may have been schizophrenic. I say that because when I took her back to get her hair shampooed, she freaked out. She kept saying "I can't do this, I can't do this, I can't do this" over and over. My heart was beating quickly, and I didn't know what to do. I took her back to my chair. When she calmed down, she told me that she likes to wash her hair with natural things. She started telling me that she treats her hair with vinegar, honey, milk, and mayonnaise. Her hair was a mess-- sticky, stinky, and full of debris. She kept rambling about the military, military wives, and the militia. I couldn't make any sense of it. I cut her hair a half an inch and she felt like a bombshell. I was relieved! She then told me how she wanted it styled-- I styled it the way she wanted, but then she panicked and told me that she wanted it in a ponytail. I put it in a ponytail, but then she panicked because she wasn't looking like a bombshell. I styled it again how she first had it. This game went on for a good 15 minutes. We went in circles and I was beginning to panic because I wanted her to have a great experience, but she was scaring me a little bit. I started to feel as if she would never be happy with what I had done. Finally my next guest had arrived, so she knew it was time to go. She told me that she had been reading up on etiquette and wanted to give me something nice as a tip. She felt badly that she didn't have any money, so she started unbuttoning her blouse to give me. Uh-oh! I told her that all I wanted was for her to be happy and feel like a bombshell. I consoled her and escorted her out. I went to apply the color on my next guest, but the front desk came to interrupt me and tell me that she was up front putting all of our products (the ones for sale) on her hair. Again I went up and escorted her out. She again offered me her blouse and told me about some military wife or something that I could never really understand. As she left for good I felt like I was going to cry. I was hoping she had a place to stay, was surprised that I felt so uncomfortable, and was seeing her through the Savior's eyes. I know that she is looked after, but I couldn't help but worry. She too is a daughter of God.
Friday came and was as eventful as Thursday. This time, my guest was 5, she had long hair that had never been cut, and a very sentimental mother. He mother only wanted a half of an inch off, because she still wanted her to have some of her baby hair. This girl would not sit still. She scooted closer to the mirror and made several faces. I thought it was funny, at first, but quickly realized that her mother was going to let her call all of the shots and continually misbehave. I work at a very high-end salon, so to have all the other guests and stylists hear her yell and see her wiggle like she did was slightly embarrassing. I thought it couldn't get any worse, when she began to yell, loud enough for everyone to hear "Mama mama, I cut the cheese! I cut the cheese, mama! I cut the cheese through my vagina, mama!" Oh, I died!!!!
Friday night, Sean took me on a date to Phipps Conservatory. They have some incredible gardens. We walked from garden to garden and thoroughly enjoyed it.

my favorite plants were the hibiscus and the orchids. They are such gorgeous plants!
We had a gift card that we used for dinner at this place called 'Bites and Brews'. It is a typical college hangout in Pittsburgh. The hockey game was on and it was packed! We were squeezed into a small table and put in our order. After our order was put in a man approached us and asked us to move over. We did, and then his group of friends sat next to us. They were a bit tipsy and kept asking us about ourselves. They found out that we were recently married, are mormon, where I work, where and what Sean is studying, and where we hope to head after school. The man told us that we were one of the happiest couples that he had ever seen and then bought our dinner. Wow! We didn't want to accept, but he insisted. So, we still have our gift card and are ready for a second date to 'Bites and Brews'.
Saturday was a productive one. Sean looked so good gardening, in our tiny garden, I had to snap a picture.

And that was our week-- bring on next week!
oh my gosh your salon stories are tooo funny! hahahaha
Holy crazy, batman! Alas, sometimes the most eventful are the most memorable :)
What a week! Those salon stories were funny- and slightly horrifying!
Those are some great stories to remember! Mayo in the hair made me a little queasy . . .
What a fun week! haha. I still wanna see some Shaniquwa pictures:)
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