Then the snow started coming....

It came quickly...

It stacked on every available place it could stack....

It tempted my husband to go on a two hour stroll, with me, at 10 o'clock at night.

It kept coming through the night, leaving us a pleasant surprise as we opened the blinds.

It was hard at work burying our car through the night.

It gave Sean new muscle definition--he now has shoveling muscles.

Even with all headaches and inconveniences it caused....

It was a beautiful, clean, white, wintry, wonderful day!

Our day was full, and well spent. I woke up at 7:30 and couldn't get back to sleep because I was planning on doing grocery shopping in the next day or so, and realized that we had zero groceries to eat if we were going to be snowed-in. I was so anxious about groceries, that I couldn't sleep anymore. When Sean woke up, we ate German pancakes (maybe we had a few supplies...) and bundled up to get groceries. We walked the few blocks to the grocery store and loaded up on the goods. On our way to and from, we helped push and shovel people's cars. Our street is unplowed, and under two feet of snow, as well as our driveway and car....we realized that we were completely snowed in. Sean spent a couple of hours studying oral pathology (woohoo) while I cleaned the oven, fridge, and rest of the kitchen (another woohoo). The fun continued when I got to quiz Sean about all the fun lesions that can be found in the mouth (yummy). After the quizzing, and Sean trying to beat a level on James Bond (nintendo 64), we bundled back up, shoveled more cars out (on the main roads), and then took a three hour walk to, through, and from the park. We came home and ate a great dinner, and will be finishing the night with hot chocolate, popcorn, and a movie.
Talk about a good day!
Can we get snowed in more often?
You forgot to mention that you were curled up on the couch with your blanket on talking with an old friend! Loved it! Always good to have some girl talk! Cute post! You guys are tooooooo cute!
i don't think i've ever seen so much snow! that's crazy. it is so pretty all white and new though.
we got pounded too! but it looks like you got it worse :) they canceled our stake conference at which I was supposed to speak so I guess i lucked out!
I LOVE going on late night snowy walks all bundled up :) it's so quiet and peaceful with all the snow falling!
Yeah, I can relate, it rained here for like an hour and there is this puddle in front of our house that won't go away! I can SOOOOO relate! (See San Diego is just like Pittsburg).
He plays N64 James Bond? He's now beyond cool (that's the last video game that I enjoyed)
Rachel!!!!!! How are you? It's been forever! I just want you to know that you are in my stomping ground. I grew up about 1 1/2 hours southeast of Pittsburgh! Enjoy PA! I miss it so much! I'm living in Cali with my hubby. Isn't being married the best thing ever?!?! Looks like we both waited a long time for Mr. Right, but aren't you glad we did?!?! Look how blessed we were. You looked gorgeous in your wedding photos. You are always been beautiful, though! I think of you often. Enjoy the snow!!! I hear there's more to come!
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