Meet Sean Quigley
I have not wanted to post about things because I don't like pressure, but it's been long enough and I need to bring this relationship 'out of the closet' (in a heterosexual way).
I feel the past few years have been full of dating fiascos. At times I have felt there was a sign taped on my back saying "please set me up". I have been on countless blind dates. I am not complaining, but I never felt like they were getting me anywhere. There were the occasional set ups that resulted in three dates, only to find out that there wasn't going to be a happily ever after. I feel as if I could write my story in a Dr. Seuss Green Eggs and Ham style...
I do not like blindly dating
I do not like them from from my friends
I do not like them from my family
I do not like them in the end
I do not like them from my hometeacher
I do not like them from my co-worker(s)
I do not like them from my boss
I do not like them from my clients
I do not like them from my classmates
I do not like them from my roommmates
I do not like them here or there
I do not like them anywhere!
I do not like them oh so much
I do not like them out to lunch
I do not like them playing games
I do not like them just the same
I do not like them rafting down the river
I do not like them out to dinner
I do not like them in a car
I do not like them camping under the stars
I do not like them here or there
I do not like them anywhere!
I have gone on several wonderful blind dates, but I just reached my limit last semester when I was going on a couple each week. I am grateful for those that set me up with all their wonderful family members and co-workers. Each date has helped me mold my wants and needs, blind or not.
I went to my math class last semester. There was a cute newlywed couple in the front row that seemed in love with love (vomit). One day the wife, Brittany, was out in the hall waiting for class to start. We started small talking and before I knew it, she knew my complete dating history (I vomitted verbally). Yes, I have been engaged. Yes, I was 25 and single. Yes, I had a desire to get married. Yes, I go on lots of dates. Yes, I wanted to ride off in the sunset on horseback and live happily ever after with my glass slippers and prince.... yadda yadda.
Class was starting, so we left the hall and took our seats. After about ten minutes of hearing about asymptotes there was a note passed back to me. In it Brittany asked me if she could set me up. In my mind I started prattling off my version of Dr. Seuss. She wrote how her brother-in-law was in his second year of dental school out in Pittsburgh and would be home (Saratoga Springs, UT) for Christmas break. She wanted to know if she could set me up before I left for home (Camano Island, WA). She told me that he loved the outdoors and was a great guy. He sounded good enough for a set-up, so I said sure. From passing notes back and forth that day I also found out that he was from Washington (Isaquah(sp)) and wanted to set up his practice up there.
I am going to write the shortened version of the story.
Went out Friday December 19th to dinner and played games. I thought he was cute and one I would like to get to know, but because of the circumstances said good-bye for good at the end of the night. Sunday Brittany called and wanted me to come up for dinner and to hang out with Sean again. I said no because I didn't want to invest in something that seemed impossible. One thing lead to another and they were over at my place playing games, and drinking orange julius'. Again I said good-bye. Five minutes later there was a knock on my door. Sean came back to get my number. The next day we went to lunch. During lunch I felt I needed to ask him to take me to the airport the next day. I asked, even though I fought it for a while, and he said he would like to. I prayed for my flight to be cancelled cause I suddenly was interested. He took me to the airport, gave me a side hug, and we said good-bye for good. Brittany called me to see how my flight was and told me that I needed to let him know how I felt because he was shy and wouldn't do it. I thought it was pointless to let him know because I still didn't think the relationship was possible, but found myself taking a big risk by texting him my thoughts. He responded and we both put ourselves 'out there'. After a little while of feeling vulnerable, the lady got on the loud speaker letting us know our flight was overbooked. Ten minutes later I stood in the middle of the airport not knowing what to do. My luggage was sent to Seattle and I had a $400 voucher in hand and first class tickets for the next day. Blessing. I ended up going to Sean's house that night. We watched a movie, and yes, we held hands, cuddled, and despite my runny nose and lack of a voice, kissed. I fought it in my mind the whole time, still thinking this was impossible. As we lay there cuddling I found words coming out of my mouth that were crazy to think, hear or say. I asked him if he wanted to come to Washington after Christmas. AHHHH. What was I doing?! I picked him up on Monday the 29th and was incredibly nervous. He ended up extending his stay from three days to six. We had a great week, and I was afraid because I had become attached. We talked on the phone each night for a couple of hours and then he came to visit for the holiday weekend in January. I flew out to Pittsburgh with half of my voucher in February. I thought Pittsburgh looked just like it sounded, but I ended up liking it. In March Sean flew out to Utah for the weekend and I flew back to Pittsburgh with him for my spring break the next week. While out there we went to NYC to see Wicked for my birthday. It was a great trip! He was just out in Utah for a week, but had to leave Monday for school again. I am heading out to Pittsburgh next Thursday (with my resumes) for almost a week. He gets a three week break in June/July and will come here. I don't know if I am driving back with him then, or at the end of August. Either way, I am going to be a Pittsburgh resident soon. I am nervous, excited, happy, sad, emotional.....and ready for change.
I don't know the end of the story, but I know that good things come from blind dates.
I do like dating blindly
I do like them oh so much
I do like them out to lunch
I do like them playing games
I do like them just the same
I do like them rafting down the river
I do like them out to dinner
I do like them in a car
I do like them camping under the stars
I do like them here or there
I do like them anywhere
Thank you to all who have set me up, I truly have enjoyed the experiences. I should write a book about 'what to expect while dating with a blindfold'.
Rachel! I found your blog through Jill, and this post is amazing! Sean was in the 121st ward on 50 East when I was living in Chandell, but I guess he must have left before you moved in. Kind of crazy. Anyway, he is a great guy and I'm glad things have worked out so well for you!
I am so glad you decided to come out of the closet! He's adorable--you are adorable together. Good luck with the job hunt! I hope he knows how lucky he is...seriously! Love the poems--by the way. You have such a gripping way of writing. I love it. Keep the updates coming. fun. Change is good, even if Pittsburg really doesn't have a pretty name.
Rachel, I'm so happy for you. He sounds like a wonderful guy for such a wonderful girl! You two sound perfect together. Good luck with everything!
Thank you for the beautiful pictures!! I always love your writting but this time I already knew most of it....but I had no pictures of the 2 of you. My question is, are you going to continue your schooling in PA? You know that you'll be only a hundred miles or so from where I was born and grew up. Look up Columbus & Alliance, Ohio on a map. Love, G'ma
Oh my goodness rachel! I sure do miss our "pillow talk", then I would have been prepared for such a post! I guess your Hawaii plans will be put on hold, huh? It's ok, you can bring him when you are allowed to sleep in the same room ;). Have fun in Pittsburg! Woohoo!
Rach, I'm so happy for you. Everytime I check your blog I hope that there's a post about a man. He sounds like a great guy, and I'm really happy for you. Mike and I met via a set-up, so I know it does work :). We're just a few hours south of Pittsburgh in Virginia, so if you (or you and he) want a little trip, come and stay!
That is SUCH a cute story! I love it!!
picture me squealing at every word in the post. yes. it's true! I'm just really excited and I don't know what to write! BUT, I AM SO HAPPY FOR YOU! And Pittsburg! That's such a fun adventure! You are seriously the coolest girl I know! you're leaving so soon! I wish we could chat before then but I know you'll be b-u-s-y before you leave! I feel really bad about us not keeping in touch as well. but I feel so connected through your blog and your voice that comes through in your writing! I remember (like not really know him..ha) Sean from the Pre-dental Club at BYU. Super fun guy! Ok, more updates PLEASE! Miss ya girlie!
Congrats on YOUR handsome little man, hee hee! I am so excited for you Rach and no one deserves a happy ending more than you. Pittsburgh will be such an exciting adventure! I can't wait to read about all that you're doing!
FINALLY!!!! I'm so glad you posted this! I love you...I love him...and I love you together!
Yay! I'm so glad you finally posted about your boy! You guys are adorable. I ran into Kaela the other day and we are down for either a triple date when he is here or a girls night-- you choose!
wow boy am i glad i read your blog today... he is a cutie pie... yeah! and props for kissing him that night holla!!!!!! hahah
I love it! You are my hero. P.S. I have gotten sooooooooooooo many compliments on my hair. Have you gotten many random phone call appointments.....yeah I have been giving your number out because of the hair. Thanks so much, I LOVE IT!
Oh yay! I really hope things work out for you guys. He sounds like a good one to hold onto. Pittsburgh huh? Crazy! But it will be such an adventure!
15 comments already? I feel like I've arrived late to Defreese's Coming out Party or something. So happy for you that I forgot to breathe for a sec!
Fun story. Though, I've already heard some of the story from your fam. My dad was really nosy about 'the guy coming at christmas'. You look so cute together.
Rachel! I kept wondering what was going on with this situation and I'm so glad I got to read all the details. I'm really so excited for you!!! I really don't know anyone who deserves a great guy more than you do. And I also have to laugh because I very much relate to your post, being "old", formerly engaged and single in Provo. Haha. I really hope everything keeps working out because I really think the world of you! Good luck in Pittsburg!!
Awesome :)
It's been so long...since you gave me your ice cream sandwich cake recipe. May 2006 I believe when I was taking cooking and I needed to compile a recipe book. Truth be told I used it for the first time yesterday. Ice cream bars, coolwip, reeces, and hersey syrup. Made for a wonderful quick dessert. Thanks for sharing the recipe...oh, and this Sean guy, seems nice :-)
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH i'm screaming in my head :) i'm so excited for you. and of course, a little sad. I will MISS YOU!
RACHEL! I am SO happy for you!!!!! This is exciting! Congratulations on a successful blind date! AH!
Yeah for taking risks! I'm so happy for you Rachel. Have fun in Pittsburgh!
That was one fun post. You sound so happy and i'm so stoke for you. Way to follow what you feel
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