I got into Pittsburgh Thursday night. Friday morning we left to go tour some of Pennsylvania and New York. An hour and a half into the trip we drove through a cute little town. We stopped to have lunch and take some pictures. There were these houses that looked like doll houses, but when we walked past them, I realized that one of them was actually a salon. I loved it! We made it to Harmony, PA by 7:30 that night and found the Susquehanna River where Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdrey were baptized. It was gorgeous! There was also a statue erected where the keys to the aaronic priesthood were restored. After spending a bit of time there, we went up to Rochester. Sean dropped me off at the Best Western and went up to stay with a bunch of his friends that are doing sales for the summer. We made it to the Sacred Grove, in Palmyra, by 9 the next morning. It was so peaceful there. We spent a couple of hours walking on the trails through the grove. I loved being there! The spirit was so strong and solidified my testimony of the prophet Joseph Smith. After leaving the grove, we went to the Smith Family farmhouse, right outside the grove, and wandered through it. It was such a cute little home. After snapping some pictures, we were off to the Hill Cumorah. Of course it was beautiful as well, but not quite like I pictured it. There was a monument at the top left side of the hill where the plates were extracted. There were so many storm clouds filling the sky. We left to go to our temple session around the corner at the Palmyra temple. We made it into the temple as the rain began to come down hard. After the temple session we went over to E.B. Grandin's publishing house where the Book of Mormon was first published. I left Palmyra knowing more about the church I have been a part of, and with the desire to return again. I am truly grateful for all the struggles our dear prophet went through to restore this gospel. It really did happen and I am so grateful my grandparents welcomed the missionaries into their homes and that my parents raised us in the church. My heart is full and my testimony has been strengthened. I couldn't be more grateful for the experiences I had this last weekend.

Cute Brookville, PA. Dollhouse looking salon

Dad, I thought of you!

Susquehanna River--beautiful!

Aaronic Priesthood keys are restored

Entering the grove

Gorgeous forest

Handsome man's backside

The stream we crossed entering and exiting the grove

Smith family home

The grove is right behind the Smith family home

Steep Hill Cumorah

Where the plates were found

E.B. Grandin's print shop

View of print shop from across the street
very cool. I've always wanted to go to the sacred grove. looks like some fun experiences!
Wow, what a trip! Can't wait for Pittsburgh take 4, 5, 6, etc!!!
Love you girl!
Ugh! Rachel! I was JUST there, in Palmyra 3 weeks ago! Too bad our paths didn't cross!
Looks and sounds awesome. I've done this trip before and I loved it!!!
That's so cool you got to go to all those places. I've always wanted to go there.
That's awesome that you're running the St. George again. Way to go. :)I wanted to do it this year, but Nate's hockey season is into full swing by then and we wouldn't have time to make it down there. So I'm "thinking" about doing the Top of Utah Marathon in September. Do have family down there in St. George, or do you stay in a hotel? I'm actually not doing the Wasatch Back but do know of people who have done it. It sounds like a fun race. Pretty rigorous though depending on which legs you get. I think you'll do awesome Rach!! You got it in the bag! :)
Oh are you doing the Hobble Creek Half-marathon in August? Just curious, maybe I'll see you there if you are!
Rach! You are so lucky. It looks like you are having so much fun. Hurry back I miss you. James and Koby miss you too.
i am so glad you are having so much fun! You look beautiful as always!
you are beautiful.
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