He came! Koby James Huntington was born this morning at 4:52. He weighed in at 7 pounds and 9 ounces and is 20 inches long. He seems to have James' squinty eyes (due to swelling) and Megan's pouty lips. She loves his little nose and hopes he grows into his ears.
Megan started pushing at 4:05 and was doing so well she could barely wait for the doctor to come in at 4:50. She felt like the doctor only came to play catch and clean up. She had such a great experience, thanks to her very caring and patient nurse.
I am so lucky to have been able to witness the birth (from up at her head)! Thanks Megan and James for sharing something so special with me and mom. I was never able to visit my other siblings in the hospital during or after labor, so it was such a treat.
Finally a nephew that lives a couple of minutes away!

There are more pictures to come!
Wow! Another cool toy to play with. I can't wait. You Huntington's look so happy-way to go Meg!
so excited! he's adorable!
YAY for them!! How fun you got to be there for it!
Yay! He's such a cute little guy! Tell Megan I say hi and congrats!
congrats! how exciting for you to be there. I know you were looking forward to it!
he looks soooo cute!!!
He is so beautiful! Nieces and nephews are the best. Congratulations!
You're a babe.
Just sayin'
Hi Rachel!!
congrats on your new little nephew!!
how exciting!!
Love ya tonS
Hey Rach-
How are you? It has been forever! I just happend to come across your blog. You look great and seem to be doing well. We have a blog too. It is private but if you email me I can add you to it. gapgirlnoelle@hotmail.com I hope you are happy and doing good. Hope to hear from you soon!
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