When I first purchased this pair of jeans, I had no idea I would fall in love. It's sad to say good-bye, but it's definitely time.
They have so many stories to tell. The first hole came when I did the fresh-from-the-dryer stretch to get them to feel how I like them to. That occured in Chandelle 883 when I lived with Linds, Rach, and Julee. The second came when I was out playing soccer in the rain with Victor, Chad, Dan, Julee, Rachel, and probably a couple others I can't remember right now. Then came my upper-right thigh hole. I went to Vegas with Jason, Jared, and Cameron. We stayed with Jason and Jared's sister and brother-in-law, and energetic dog Axle. Axle greeted me hello, jumped up and left me with a hole to remember him by. The hole below my right cheek came suddenly out on the Andrus Ranch in 07. Sister Andrus was such a great host and mended them for me, even though we all knew I should just through them away. Last, but not least, came the hole below my left cheek which came while I was on a date. We went four-wheeling up in the Spanish Fork canyon. Thankfully it grew dark before my date could really get a good look...... My mom patched that one up, but only after telling me I really should just get more jeans. Instead of 'Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants,' I decided to give them their own title--'Tales of the Hot Pants.' Don't worry, I even wrote an English paper on them this past week.
I can't post a current picture, cause they pretty much are see-through and shredded. Just trust me, I got my money's worth!

Man, there's nothing like a good pair of holey jeans. I have a pair that I still can't part with- I think I'll wait until the entire leg falls off.
It is always so sad to let a good pair go. I'm sorry for your loss.
you should make a blanket out of them!!
My Kristin is working on wearing her jeans to the bone too. It's crazy how much love "favorite jeans" get.
I'm sorry for your loss...
nice sweatshirt!
I understand what you mean. I had a pair that I loved so much and my Mom couldn't patch them again, so she had to throw them away while I wasn't around. Sniff Sniff.
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