I know that the saying goes 'three times a bridesmaid, never a bride,' but what about seven times a bridesmaid? What's going to happen to me when I have a closet full of colorful dresses and nowhere to wear them to? Maybe my birthday party this year should be '27 dresses.' Maybe I should invite 27 ladies and make them wear one of their dresses? Who said these dresses can't be worn again? Now I am thinking clearly.....
Let me just tell you about my day. Did I sleep the night before? Maybe for about three hours. Just the perfect amount for a full day of big smiles and walking around in heels. Did I eat breakfast that morning? Of course not, I was unsure if my dress was fixable and would wear it no matter what. I wanted the most room in that dress as possible, even if it meant feeling light-headed and listening to a grumbling tummy. After racing out the door, going through my mental checklist of things I needed to bring, I ran to get my hair done. I was greeted by a happy dog, who decided to wrap his leash around me. There I went, falling in the grass with all my stuff in hand. Walking away with only a skinned knee, I was grateful. Since I have so much hair, styling it was an easy task----wrong! Poor Crystal, had to shelaque the do and backcomb like crazy. Bless her heart! I took a couple of clients before heading off to class. Yep, that's right, I went to math right before the event. I looked like a treat, and definitely stood out in my heels, dress, fancy do, makeup and my plastered on smile (just practicing for pictures). Sitting in my class, trying to go unnoticed, my teacher decided to ask if anything exciting was going on that day while looking straight at me. Yep, I had eighty eyes on me as I blushed and explained that I was going to be in a wedding. Embarrassing. Once math was through, I ran to the temple. Don't worry, the gas light came on......perfect timing. A quick stop had to be made, and I forgot what I was doing and drove off with my gas cap off. Nice Rachel, nice. The ceremony was beautiful! The urge to tear up came, but I had to push it away. Finally I got to meet up with the other bridesmaids. The lady that did Brooke's hair and makeup thought the theme was blush and bashful, cause she went to town with the hot pink colors, and the backcombing. Pictures pictures pictures. Then we were off to the reception hall in SLC. After setting up chinese lanterns, votives, signs, tables, chairs, cookies, the sign-in table, etc, we were off to put on our dresses. Thankfully mine fit, but let me just let you guess who forgot their slip. Pictures, pictures, mingling, laughing, tearing up. Enter Rachel's date. Mike was a wonderful addition to the day. He made me laugh and relax. After saying good-bye and tearing up again, it was time to clean up and say goodbyes to all of MC and Nate's family and friends. Off went the heels and onto the rest of the date. A full, but good, day. I love weddings!
September 26th came and went too quickly. MC and Nate looked amazing, and the day ran smoothly. The venue, Woods on the ninth, was decorated beautifully. Aside from my dress mishap and the lame guitarist, it went as planned.
CoNgRaTs NaTe & M.c.!!

you have the best stories! very entertaining!
Oh boy, I'm not sure if I should wear my teal, strapless, satin, floor length number or my violet chiffon with floral dress to your party. Too many choices.
you are hilarious :)
Hi Rachel,
It's Mc's mom. You were amazing through the entire wedding experience and you looked beautiful but you'd look amazing no matter what you wore. Sorry for the worry about the dress and thank heavens for the bow-hunting wood-chopping seamstress. I wish I had so many diverse talents. Anyway, thanks for sitting next to me in the temple, and Please consider coming to Californina. you can use our house as a home base and just come and go as you please.
HEY! I just wanted to say good luck at your marathon! I know you are going to kill it!
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