Charlie started his life in the 33 percentile (for height and weight) and has slowly dropped all the way to the FIRST for weight and FOURTH for height. His head is still in the 60th. I feed him, but the combination of not loving food and loving to run around makes for a small little dude. He hasn't been weaned due to the fact that I want to make sure he is getting a little extra.
Here is our little handsome little squirt! I am grateful for such talented friends who took the time to take these photos. More to come....
Even though I don't love that I am so white and my hair blends in with the door, I love that I finally have a picture of the two of us smiling.
I didn't know how much I would love being a mom. It may be stressful, and I may have turned slightly frumpy, but I wouldn't trade being a stay-at-home mother for anything. I love my little, curious, jabbering, helpful, very active, Charlie!
So darling! Can't wait to see more.
I love these shots - so cute. And you look amazing too - what frumpy? LOL (just kidding, I'm that way too unless I'm going out or something)
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