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So, out he came with a surprise. His cord was wrapped around his neck and he was a bit blue. He couldn't breathe on his own, and I felt helpless as I layed in my bed and watched as the doctors piled in around him. They took our little guy immediately to the NICU to put him on oxygen and to test his blood.
I developed a fever around midnight, so they also thought Charlie was affected by my high temperature. They put a C-PAP in his nose, as well as a feeding tube, and then they gave him a little i.v. to get antibiotics rushing through his system to take care of whatever he got from my fever. They also sent some of his blood, as well as some of my placenta, in for tests to see if there was an infection shared between the two of us.
Everything happened so quickly, that I didn't realize how sick I was really feeling. The nurse came in and told Sean that he could see Charlie but that I would have to be hooked to Magnesium and have several different tests to beat the pre-eclampsia that I had. My protein count, in my urine, was up to 1733, when it should be 300, and my blood pressure was 172/98. They were worried that I would have a seizure and so they needed to get my numbers down.
So, here I sit. I am hooked up to several machines that are beeping or blinking. I've exposed myself to several different nurses, doctors, students, etc... I have dreamed of the moment when I could hold my baby, and I am still dreaming of that moment. It's been seven hours since he was born and taken away. I am very emotional and anxiously waiting for the chance to kiss his head and hold his little i.v.-clad hand in my i.v.-clad hand.
We love our little (6 lb 14 oz) Charlie, and are grateful he pulled through a rough night!
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One of the best moments of my life. Finally getting to hold Charlie |
Congratulations! He is a good looking little guy. I am glad that everything is going better and you finally got to hold him. We are excited to meet him in a few months!
CUTEST little guy:) Thanks for an update finally! We are glad you guys are ok now!
wow, Rach! What a time for you! I hope things are starting to go a little better. :) Charlie is such an adorable name, I LOVE it! Congrats, he's a cutie.
Oh man, I'm so happyfor you. Best of luck to you THREE!
ah he is so cute, charlie is one of my favortie names! i got the same infection, but two weeks after delivery...its crazy! hope you feel better!
Charlie! I love that name! And I'm glad that you are doing well! You are amazing! He is adorable! Can't wait to see more pictures
He has hair! So cute. Hope you all get to feeling better soon!
What a handsome little guy!!!! I hope all of the problems are behind you, that must have been so horrible. Hope you can get some rest now!
Oh Rachel, I am so sorry things got started for you in Charlie in such a rough way =( BUT, I am so happy and excited for you!! Congratulations! Let me know if you need ANYTHING - we are right up the road =)
i'm SO glad everything is ok. SO happy for you!!!
Oh Rachel, he is beautiful! I know exactly what you are going through with the cord, breathing, fever and other problems. I almost feel like I was reading my own delivery story. It's so hard being helpless, but you will get to bring your baby home soon and it will be the best. I am so happy for you and your hubby, and you are going to be such an awesome and cool mom. Congrats!!!
Hey, what a great looking kid!! I hope all is going better. Just think, soon enough you will have all the sleepless nights you can handle. Feel better soon.
Rachel, he is darling! I am so sad that there were some complications, but they will pass and you will get to hold little Charlie as much as you want!
Congratulations! We are so happy for you guys.
I bawled as I read this. My heart feels your emotion. What a sweet little baby. The picture of you holding him is precious...priceless.
Oh my gosh, I am so glad you are both ok. I read your stats to Kurt, and he was shocked. But it sounds like you guys are in good hands.
He's so handsome!
Congrats on the delivery. Sounds like things are turning around for the better. AND you got to hold him finally!! BEST NEWS OF ALL!
He is precious! Sorry things started out a little rough for ya guys. I know I am not in the ward and all anymore but I would love to bring you guys a meal if you need it! Congrats!
Congratulations! I am sorry there are complications and I hope you are feeling better soon. Your little man is soooo sweet. He looks perfect! :)
Congrats, (and FINALLY!!!) He looks just like Sean!
So happy for you, take care of yourself!
What an emotional roller-coaster! It's so hard to be separated from your baby, but I bet it will be a short time. We had to go home without Calvin and I couldn't stop crying. You just rest up!
I've been stalking your blog checking to see if your Charlie was born yet. Our Charlie is 6 months old. We think it's a great name too. Congrats! He sure is handsome! I'm sorry it was a little rough. I hope you're all feeling well soon. Enjoy that sweet little guy!
We hope you are feeling better. Please keep us posted and let us know if we can do anything. What a beautiful baby boy!
Hmmmm....never left a post on a blog before, not sure if I am doing this right. This is my second time...
Congratulations on your new baby! So sorry that it went a little different than planned. We hope you and Charlie are feeling better. Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you and your new little family.
Hey Sean!!!
The other Quigley's
Congratulations you guys! He is so handsome! And I love the name! What a cutie!!!
He is beautiful Rach! I'm so glad that everything is ok! I think he looks just like you :)
YAY! He is gorgeous! I am so happy for you and I'll be praying for you three!
Yea so happy he is here, congrats. Hope everything gets better and you two feel better. We will keep you guys in our prayers. By the way he is one handsome baby!
Rachel. Wow! My heart goes out to you. I know how it feels to ache to hold your little one! I'm glad things are going so well now though. He is adorable and I love the name! :) Hope you're feeling better...that pre-clampsia stuff is no good. Just be glad when your done with the magnesium iv...i couldn't stand that one!!! Luvs!!!
Sorry...that last comment is from me...Danielle (Sudweeks) Smith! I didn't realize I was logged in under Steve's account! :)
First of all, your forty week poem was very creative, I loved it! Second of all I am so sorry for all the craziness. I'm so happy he is here. Congrats!
So glad your little family made it through such a rough night, here's to hoping the nights to come are much less stressful! Congratulations!
He is precious. I am so glad you finally got to hold him and hope everything turns out well. He is so small compared to Britta. :) Congratulations!
He is precious!
I am so sorry it didn't go exactly as planned! But I am glad to hear you three are doing good.
He is gorgeous!!
Love the name!!
oooh!! I am so excited for you! Being a mom is amazing! Thanks for keeping us posted! I've been checking your blog daily since you posted your poem...waiting for a baby post!!
Get some rest!! Hang in there!
What a beginning of the extreme emotional roller coaster called motherhood! I'm so sorry! Not quite what you had in mind when they asked in your birthing classes about a birth plan, eh? I'm so happy th ings are so much better. I felt that way when they whisked away my 10lb 8 oz child to be put in the NICU. He looked a bit odd in that room with all the teeny babies. Congrats!!! I hope things go well. Remember..any questions on breastfeeding...email me! :)
He sure looks like he has 50% DeFreese genes. Such a cute baby!
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