Sean and I arrived back in Pittsburgh late Friday night. We were just wanting to crash after all of the traveling. The day before we flew to Utah for the wedding we moved all of our stuff (in a VERY unorganized fashion) into our new place. So, Sean and I came home to a VERY messy apartment. We didn't care about cleaning up, we just wanted to sleep.
Before I could lay down, I had to respond to a call I received from nature. Into the bathroom I went. Up went the toilet seat. Out went a scream. Out of the bathroom I went--quickly.
Sean was laughing at me in the other room. I assumed he had something to do with the treasure I found in our toilet. I quickly told him what I had found, and he seemed completely surprised. I realized that he didn't have anything to do with this lovely surprise.
We had a loving welcome from a worm. Yep, a worm was in our toilet. I shouldn't have named him, but I did. I called our little welcome worm William. Sean and I realized that it could only mean one thing. Sorry if this is disgusting, but, we decided that the previous tenant, or repair man, had/has a parasite. Yep, we have a little breeding ground in our bathroom for parasitic worms-- YUCK!!!!
I cleaned the toilet, and thought that we wouldn't see anymore visitors. WRONG! Wanda the worm welcomed me yesterday while Sean was at school. I don't know what to do about this issue, but we are going to bleach the toilet and all the scrubbing devices that are used in it. I hope that kisses the parasites good-bye!

That's the hello we get into your new married adventure?!? I'm speechless.
That is so incredibly disgusting. I can't even say how gross...way worse than the mouse in Megans tub!! Do you just squat over the toilet? GROSS GROSS GROSS!!!!!!
I just don't know what to say! That is so awful. But, um, kind of funny.
All I have to say is that you are a funny girl. Way to start off your first blog post as a married woman! lol.
can't wait to see your pics!g
Welcome back! That's terrible about the worm. Ew!
That's the sickest thing I've ever seen in my life! YUCK
Isn't it nice to know you have a husband living with you to come running to your rescue now? Hope you don't find any more worms!
Are you sure Sean or you don't have the parasite? SICK SICK SICK!
Oh and the mouse is hands down worse!! It crawls fastttt. Oh the joys of apartments
Moments like that in rentals make me want to buy a house so bad!
Its absolutely nice & i read your article..........please follow me..
Welcome back! I love that you have a picture of the worm, grose! So how was the honeymoon? I'm hoping we get to see pics of that on here soon! :)
It was great to see you, and even better to see you on such a wonderful occasion!
Love ya girl!
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