Lets talk about today.
Today was a good day in Biology.
Today I found out that I got a 95% on a difficult test.
Today the career counselor gave me excellent guidance.
Today I finished my homework.
Today I ate some chocolate covered cinnamon bears.
Today I ran four miles and ten sets of stairs.
Today I had a good hair/clothes day.
Today I got my homework done.
Today I helped make dinner for our second counselor and his family.
Today I smiled.
Lets talk about this evening.
This evening everything ran smoothly at work.
This evening I got to hold a baby.
This evening I had two friends come and visit me at work.
This evening I received an unexpected bonus check.
This evening I found the perfect pair of jeans.
This evening I had lots of energy.
This evening I smiled.
Lets talk about tonight.
Tonight we finished with work earlier than expected.
Tonight I helped a guy jump his car.
Tonight the guy's car didn't want to be jumped.
Tonight I drove a guy to his girlfriend's house.
Tonight I had a great phone call.
Tonight my next-door neighbors seem to live too close.
Tonight I learned that my next-door neighbor had a pet snake.
Tonight I learned that the snake was a boa constrictor.
Tonight I thought my next-door neighbor was sick.
Tonight I learned that the snake is not in its cage.
Tonight I learned that next-door neighbor doesn't know where her repulsive pet is.
Tonight I am not smiling, amused, laughing or getting out of bed to use the bathroom.
Tonight I hate snakes, cancer and onions--in that order.
Next week I hate cancer, snakes and onions--in that order.