Finally I am sitting down to write about our happily ever after! The house is almost completely set up and we are back in our groove at both school and work. Sean is extracting more and more teeth by the day, and I am holding up to my New Year's resolution by not complaining about work. (I found that if I take a hot shower when I get home from work, it relaxes me and I don't unload about my job that I love to hate). Sean has been working hard in his new calling as Young Men's President, and I just had my first opportunity to serve in my new calling as the Sunbeam teacher. I love teaching little three year olds! It reminds me of when I lived in Boston and spent all day everyday, looking after and answering all of the three year old, that I nannied, Teddy's, questions. I just loved him!
Anyways, back to the moneyhoon. We flew from Salt Lake to Georgia, where we spent the night in the lovely Ramada near the Atlanta airport. We were up by 5:30 to catch our flight to Cancun. When we arrived, we rented a car and drove to our AMAZING resort. The suite was like a condo. We had a large bathroom and bedroom, dining room, living room and kitchen. We also had a balcony with a jacuzzi bathtub on it looking out at the beach. Aside from sitting in a loooooonnnnngggg timeshare presentation, we played volleyball on the beach with other resortees, built sand castles, went into the nearby town and bought groceries for meals throughout the week, toured Tulum (ancient Mayan ruins), walked the beach several nights, went shopping in the little village near the resort, and had Thanksgiving dinner at the resort's restaurant with all the other caucasions. The dinner was great! They tried to make Thanksgiving foods for us just like the U.S.. Tried is the operative word, it definitely tasted like a Latin Thanksgiving meal, and was very yummy!
Swimsuits were constantly on, salt water was up our noses, sand was in every crevice, make up was never on, and love was in the air (awwww).

Ancient Mayan ruins
/> I loved these convenience stores. We called them the hug kiss kiss hug.