for the past three summers i have been playing on a co-ed softball team called Public Enemy. i play either catcher, left center or right field. i have become pretty good friends with the right center, Todd. we have always raced out to our positions to see who is quickest. often times we hide gloves so that we can get that much ahead--i know, we are competitive. last season we decided that the loser needs to do a trick once they reach their position. we have each performed our fair share of tricks. let me tell you though, i am not a tricky person, so i am running out of ideas and need your help. i have quoted Nacho Libre, enlightened him with my talented and not at all off-key rendition of Incarnation (song Nacho sings to the nun, but i can't remember how to spell her name), done countless cartwheels, handstands, and other random gymnastics tricks that i learned in the third grade. i am now boring myself, and realizing that i don't have too many talents or tricks to perform on the spot. i reached an all-time low this evening and had to settle on touching my tongue to my nose.
if any of you have any ideas, please feel free to share! i would love to mix things up next time. or maybe i should just beat him out to the field each time. hmmm.....
above is a picture of me, Todd, and the first-baseman Gentry.